Francisco de Goya: “Niños en el carretón” (detail)
Stolen work by Goya recovered
The work by Francisco de Goya –“Niños en el carretón”– stolen in Ohio while being delivered to the Guggenheim Museum’s exhibition of “5 centuries of Spanish painting: from El Greco to Picasso”, has been recovered.
According to the Guggenheim Museum press note, “the Toledo Museum of Art and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum were notified today that the Francisco de Goya y Lucientes painting Children with a Cart (1778) has been recovered. After disappearing nearly two weeks ago, the painting will soon be returned to the Toledo Museum of Art, where it is part of the permanent collection. According to FBI reports, the painting appears to be unharmed.
“We are ecstatic that the painting has been recovered, and we look forward to bringing the Goya home and sharing it again with our community,” Toledo Museum of Art Director Don Bacigalupi said. “The FBI and law enforcement officials on this case have done an exemplary job for which we are truly thankful.”
At the time of the theft, the painting was en route from the Toledo Museum of Art to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City, where it was scheduled to be included in the exhibition Spanish Painting from El Greco to Picasso: Time, Truth, and History , which is now on view.
“The success of Spanish Painting from El Greco to Picasso is made all the sweeter by the recovery of this treasured painting,” said Guggenheim Museum Director Lisa Dennison
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