The Black Paintings in the Quinta del Sordo
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This virtual brief tour in the “Quinta del Sordo” includes renders of the interior of the house, which have been created by These images are property of If you wish to include them in your web, please contact us. You can publish a limited number of images if you include the reference in a visible place.

Lower floor: “Witches sabbath”. The “Saturn devouring his son ” and “Judith and Holofernes” in the foreground

Lower floor: “A pilgrimage to San Isidro”. The “Saturn devouring his son ” and “Judith and Holofernes” in the foreground

Lower floor: “Witches sabbath”, occupying the large space between the windows

Lower floor: “Witches sabbath”, the “Leocadia”, “Two Monks” and “Old man and old woman” in the foreground.

Lower floor: “A pilgrimage to San Isidro” with the three paintings mentioned in the previous image.

Upper floor: general perspective from the entrance. The distribution is quite different from the lower room, being only one window in every large wall

Upper floor: the pair formed by “The Fates” and “Duel with cudgels”. The window as a axis of symmetry

Upper floor: the previous pair with the lonely “The dog”

Upper floor: The pair “Procession of the Holy Office ” and “Asmodea”
We have taken into consideration the limited information we have about the specifications of the Quinta (dimensions of the rooms, situation of the paintings.) We know that the walls were decorated with floral motifs, but -as we don’t have a photography or a reliable depiction- we have chosen a neutral background. We have include no furniture, and the natural light could be quite different.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This virtual brief tour in the “Quinta del Sordo” includes renders of the interior of the house, which have been created by These images are property of If you wish to include them in your web, please contact us. You can publish a limited number of images if you include the reference in a visible place.
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