Holsten Galleries,
At PalmBeach3 2007

B&D Studio,
At PalmBeach3 2007

Diana Lowenstein,
At PalmBeach3 2007
Palmbeach3 contemporary Art fair
PALM BEACH, Fla. (October 23, 2006) – Art consultant and gallerist Fran Kaufman, well known in the contemporary art community for her role as partner in the eponymous gallery, Rosenberg + Kaufman Fine Art in New York, will take the reins of palmbeach3 this year as its new fair director. Kaufman brings her energy, creativity and close relationships with leading galleries and artists to palmbeach3 , which will celebrate its 10th Anniversary January 12-15, 2007 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center. The four-day fair will showcase established international artists, introduce talented newcomers and bring together more than 100 leading American and international galleries.
“Fran’s experience as a curator, private advisor and exhibition organizer in New York and abroad positions her as a key asset to the future growth and success of palmbeach 3 ,” said Nick Korniloff, Vice-President, IFAE/dmg world media. “The fair will grow and develop under Fran’s direction in a manner that responds to the market demands and rounds out the best aspects of the four-day event.”
Kaufman has been an art dealer and gallery owner for more than 15 years. She joined with Stephen Rosenberg Gallery in 1983, forming Rosenberg + Kaufman Fine Art in 1990, building its reputation into one of New York’s leading contemporary galleries specializing in work by mid-career artists. In addition to coordinating exhibitions, Kaufman has served as a consultant to private and institutional collectors, and organized panels and speaking engagements for educational, institutional and corporate venues. Over the past seven years she has participated as a juror, reviewer and judge at a range of prominent international photography festivals. Kaufman also consults with artists, advising on best ways to present to and work with galleries. In addition, she acts as an independent curator, has written catalogue essays and articles on contemporary art issues for both print and online art journals.
Some of Kaufman’s most notable achievements include consulting with Magnum Photos and acting as a consultant reviewer to the fellowship program at the Soros Foundation in New York. She has organized and curated a solo photography exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires, including the production of the accompanying book, Una Argentina. She managed a high-profile charity auction at Swann Auction Galleries in New York to benefit the Prague House of Photography (PHP) in the Czech Republic, and has collaborated for the past three years with the International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE) to create and produce a Sound/Image Events series focusing on the relationship between visual art and music.
Kaufman is a well-known figure among the national and international arts community and serves on the advisory boards of Paese in Photo in Gubbio, Italy and the Proof in New York. She has been a member of the benefit committees for Art in General, ArtWalk NY, Sensedance and Matthew Nash Music & Dance, all based in New York City.
“palmbeach 3 has an outstanding reputation in the arts community for its unusual blend of contemporary art, classic and contemporary photography, decorative arts and contemporary design,” said Kaufman. “I was intrigued by the opportunity to bring a fair of this caliber to the next level, while remaining true to its 10-year tradition of offering one of the best art and design events within a smaller venue.”
Inspired by South Florida’s sophisticated art community and supported by top contemporary art collectors from the greater New York area, the southeastern U.S. and Latin America, palmbeach 3 has evolved over the past 10 years to incorporate these three distinct fairs into one extraordinary experience. palmbeach 3 Contemporary showcases painting, sculpture, works on paper, video and installation from the 1950’s to the present. palmbeach 3 Photography features classic and contemporary works including some of the key names in today’s art world; and palmbeach 3 Art + Design presents the country’s most inspired and admired concepts in decorative arts and design including sculptural objects, glass, jewelry, ceramic, functional art, and furniture design.
palmbeach 3 also features a high-profile lecture series, panel discussions and a Private Preview evening that benefits the Alexander W. Dreyfoos, Jr. School of the Arts. This exclusive opening night event will be held Thursday, January 11 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center. A preview of the exhibitors and musical performances by students of the Dreyfoos School are among the highlights of the evening. This year’s private preview chair is Jodi Luntz, and honorary chair is The Honorable Jeff Koons of the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners.
palmbeach 3 will be held at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in Downtown West Palm Beach January 12-14 from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., and January 15 from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Admission prices range from $10 to $35. Children under 12, accompanied by an adult, enter the fair free of charge. For more about palmbeach 3 , visit http://www.palmbeach3.com/ or call 561-209-1308. For Private Preview information and ticket sales, please call the School of the Arts Foundation at 561-805-6298.
2007 Partial List of Exhibitors:
21st Editions, New York / American and Asian Art Ltd, West Palm Beach / Ann Nathan Gallery, Chicago / Annina Nosei Gallery, New York / Archeus, London / Artmosphere/Rudolf Budja Gallery, Vienna / Austin Desmond Fine Art, London / Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, Miami / Bertin-Toublanc Galerie, Paris / browngrotta arts, Connecticut / Cernuda Arte, Coral Gables / Chappell Gallery, New York / Charon Kransen Arts, New York / Coplan Gallery, Boca Raton / Donna Shneier Fine Arts, New York / Eckert Fine Art, Naples / Evelyn Aimis Fine Art, Miami / Ferrin Gallery, Massachusetts / Flowers, London / Franklin Parrasch Gallery, New York / Galeria El Museo, Bogota / Galeria Fernando Pradilla, Madrid / Galerie Barbara von Stechow, Frankfurt / Galerie de Bellefeuille, Montreal / Galerie des Metiers d’art du Quebec, Quebec / Galerie Elena Lee, Montreal / Galerie Hafenrichter & Flügel , Nuernberg / Galerie Terminus, Munich / Galleria D’Arte Contini, Venice / Gasser & Grunert, New York / Goedhuis Contemporary, New York / Habatat Galleries, Boca Raton / Habatat Galleries, Royal Oak / Heller Gallery, New York / Holsten Galleries, Stockbridge / James Goodman Gallery, New York / Jennifer Kostuik Gallery, Vancouver / Jerald Melberg Gallery, Charlotte / John Szoke Editions, New York / Leonard Ruethmueller Contemporary Art, Basel / Louis K. Meisel Gallery, New York / Marx-Saunders Gallery, Chicago / Maurine Littleton Gallery, Washington D.C. / Mostly Glass Gallery, Englewood / Moti Hasson Gallery, New York / Nancy Hoffman Gallery, New York / Option Art, Quebec / Osborne Samuel LLP, London / Pan American Art Gallery, Dallas / Quint Contemporary Art, LaJolla / R. Duane Reed Gallery, St. Louis / Rebecca Hossack Gallery, London / Redfern Gallery, London / Scott Richards Contemporary, San Francisco / Scott White Contemporary Art, San Diego / Spanierman Gallery, LLC, New York / Sundaram Tagore Gallery, New York / Thomas R. Riley Galleries, Cleveland / Trabant, Vienna / Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm / William Zimmer Gallery, Mendocino / Winston Wachter Mayer Fine Art, Seattle
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