John Constable: The hay wain, 1821 (London, National Gallery)
Constable: The great landscapes
Some people say that it is really hard to succeed in your own home. But that is not true for John Constable, who has a guaranteed success with a monograph exhibition dedicated to his six-footers landscapes in the Tate Britain in London .
The exhibition, “Constable: The great landscapes”, will take part since June 1st to August 28th , and will show together nine of Constable’s six-footers landscapes that gave the romantic painter his international fame, together with other smaller canvases,
John Constable (1776-1837) is, with Joseph Mallord William Turner, the great figure of the English romanticism. Unlike his contemporary, he never left England , and he devoted all his time to represent the life and landscapes of his loved England . This self-imposed limitation did not prevent him from develop a highly personal style that had an important influence in the Barbizon School . Some of his most famous works are ” The hay wain” (London , National Gallery), ” The white horse” ( New York , The Frick Collection) or ” Dedham Valley” ( London , Tate Gallery)
His work ” The hay wain” (1821) was selected as the second best painting in Great Britain, in a poll organized by the National Gallery in 2005. The winner was ” The fighting temeraire” , by Joseph Mallord William Turner.
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