The splendour of the Venetian Renaissance on show in Munich

From October 10, 2023, to February 4, 2024, the Alte Pinakothek in Munich presents the exhibition “Colore e Sentimento. Portrait and Landscape Painting in Renaissance Venice”
Image: Jacopo Palma il Vecchio (attrib.), Daphnis, c. 1513/15. 19,8 x 16,4 cm. Alte Pinakothek, Munich
The exhibition includes 15 paintings from the collection of the Alte Pinakothek, and around 70 loans from international collections. Among the artists represented in the exhibition are Giovanni Bellini, Giorgione, Palma Vecchio, Lorenzo Lotto, Titian and Tintoretto.
The Alte Pinakothek states that “the exhibition is devoted to the groundbreaking innovations in Venetian Renaissance painting, with lasting effects that continued to resonate far into European modernism”, adding that the “subtle representations of individuality oscillate between the real and the ideal, between representative and lyrical portraits, and their atmospheric landscapes quickly became established as pictorial motifs in their own right. The favourable local constellation of well-acquainted artists and patrons who showed at the same time a high degree of sensitivity and openness made striking innovations possible”
Venetian painting in the Alte Pinakothek Munich
As one of the oldest art galleries in the world, the Alte Pinakothek hosts an excellent collection of Venetian painting. It includes a large group of paintings by Titian, including “Portrait of a Young Man” (c. 1520), “The Vanity of the World” (1520), “Emperor Charles V” (1548), or the monumental “Crowning with Thorns of Christ” (c.1570). The museum also exhibits “The Crucifixion of Christ” (c. 1550/55) and “Christ with Mary and Martha” (c. 1580) by Tintoretto, “Lamentation of Christ” (1620) by Jacopo Palma il Giovane, and “Justitia und Prudentia” by Paolo Veronese.
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