Andy Huang: “Doll face”, 2005 at the ART FUTURA 2006
© Andy Huang 2005. All rights reserved
Digital Art fair
Date: October 26 – 29, 2006
Main venue: Mercat de les Flors de Barcelona
Other menues: Granada – Madrid – Murcia – Palma de Mallorca – Tenerife – Vigo – Vitoria – Zaragoza
Website: www.artfutura.org/
ART FUTURA 2006 is Spain ‘s most important digital Art fair and one of the most original artistic events in Europe nowadays.
“Estética de datos” (“Data aesthetics”) is the main theme of this edition, referring to how the dramatic increase of information in the contemporary world is creating a new audiovisual language. ART FUTURA 2006 seems to be destined to repeat the success of past editions, considering that all invitations are already sold out.
The activities in the fair will include showings of the films ” Renaissance” and “A scanner darkly” , while the conferences will investigate the videogames world, featuring names such as Ted Prince -one of the masterminds behind the new PlayStation 3- or Masaya Matsuura, creator of some of the most impressive videogames in recent years.
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