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Art Essays

AntiWar Graffiti - Mauerpark Berlin - thumbnail

Destruction & Cancellation · The Cultural Disasters of War

Obscured in part by the human drama and the fear of a very likely economic crisis, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has provoked an earthquake in the world of art and culture, the effects of which we are only just beginning to assimilate.

Sulawesi Cave Paintings Indonesia - 900px

12 works of art discovered in 2021

From the world’s oldest cave paintings to the latest Banksy, we present 12 of the most important works of art discovered in 2021.


50 Impressionist paintings

No artistic period has been as commented or discussed as Impressionism. But, as an image is worth a thousand words, has decided to showcase 50 paintings to resume the very best of this fascinating Art movement.

Caravaggio attributed - Ecce Homo - zoom

15 new years, 15 new “Caravaggios”

Following the recent news of the possible attribution to Caravaggio of an “Ecce Homo” in Madrid, we review the most recent cases of works attributed -almost always with excessive optimism- to the great master of Italian Baroque painting.

Summer paintings-

Art for Summer

Art for Summer · 10 great summer-related artworks Our personal tribute to summer solstice: 10 works of art that, in one way or another, convey… Read More »Art for Summer